The Walking Dead
(also known as The Walking Dead: The Game and The Walking Dead: Season One) is a sequel to an online game developed and published by Telltale Games. The first game within the collection, covering 4 seasons and Michonne-based spin-off games. Based on the Walking Dead comedy e-book collection, the game covers five episodes, released between April and November 2012.
The Walking Dead is a self-portrait adventure game, played out in a third-person mode with a wide range of movie camera angles, in which the actor, like main character Lee Everett, works with a rag-tag survivor team to survive amid zombie. apocalypse. The player can detect and interact with characters and gadgets, and must use inventory items and surroundings. Throughout the game, the participant is given the ability to interact with their environment, as well as other ways to determine the character of that game. For example, a participant can look at a man or a woman, talk to that man or woman, or if he or she has an object, give it to that person or ask him or her about it. According to Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead entertainment focuses on developing characters and legends, and little on the action lines often seen in other zombie-based games, such as Left four Dead.

Some features of the game require timely responses from the player, decisions that are often the main ones to a great way to use a game story, within the form of video games (RPGs). Some talking trees require the participant to perform the ramification at the appointed time, in any case Lee will remain silent, which may affect the way the other characters respond to him. Unlike the various RPGs and the Mass Effect or Fallout collection, where the choice falls on any part of the "high or evil" scale, the choices within The Walking Dead have subtle consequences, affecting the non-actor's attitude. characters looking at Lee. The player may choose to enable the "pre-notification" feature, where the interaction of the game indicates that the man or woman has changed their attitude towards Lee because of these different approaches. For more motion-based tracking, the participant needs a on-screen (QTE) view of the screen to work out the best time to catch up with different characters alive. If a player dies, the game restarts from just before QTE. Other time-bound situations contain important decisions, which include deciding which two characters should be kept alive.

The Walking Dead PC System Requirements
.OS: Windows XP/7/8/10
.Bit: 32/64
.CPU: Dual Core
.Graphics Card: 256MB
.Free Space: 3GB

Prior to The Walking Dead, Telltale Games had made several episodes a success based on established venues, covering three seasons of Sam & Max based on comedy and previous video games, as well as five episodes of Tales of Monkey Island, mainly based on in the Monkey Island online game series. In 2010, the employer acquired the rights of two licensed movie companies at Universal Studios, which led to Back to the Future: The Game and Jurassic Park: The Game. The latest in-depth coverage of travel video games, which included additional action-packed sequences that include fast-paced times, and was transformed into a Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain-inspired style.

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