Far Cry 3
is a 2012 shooter developed by   Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. It is   the third major installment in the Far Cry series   after Far Cry 2. The game takes place on the   fictional Rook Islands, a tropical archipelago   that players are free to explore. The game   focuses on combat and exploration. Players can  use a variety of weapons to defeat human  enemies and hostile wildlife, and the game features elements found in role-playing games such as skill and experience trees. After a vacation goes awry, protagonist Jason Brody must rescue his friends who have been kidnapped by pirates and escape the island and its inhabitants.


Far Cry 3 is a first-person shooter set in the fictional Rook Islands, a tropical archipelago in the Pacific ruled by pirates and mercenaries. Players control Jason Brody and can approach missions and objectives in different ways. They can kill enemies with firearms such as assault rifles, sniper rifles, grenade launchers, rocket launchers, and explosives such as landmines and grenades. Alternatively, players can use stealth to avoid the attention of enemies. For example, players can explore an enemy base using the camera to mark enemy locations or throw rocks to distract enemies. A stealth approach, which can be done with silenced weapons and combat knives, can prevent enemies from setting off alarms that require reinforcements. Skills are collected by gaining experience from completing missions and killing enemies and are unlocked in three skill trees themed Spider, Heron and Shark. Each skill tree improves different aspects of Jason's abilities, with the Spider improving his stealth takedowns and hunting skills, the Shark improving his offensive takedowns and health, and the Heron improving his long-range takedowns and mobility. As skills are collected, the tribal tattoo on Jason's forearm grows accordingly.

Rook Islands is an open world where players are free to explore. Jason can travel using a variety of vehicles, including dune buggies, off-road vehicles, trucks, jet skis, boats, and hang gliding. Later in the game, players will find a wingsuit for Jason to wear. Jason encounters various friendly settlements where he can purchase weapons and materials and complete side missions including hunting expeditions and assassination missions. Rook Islands is inhabited by a wide variety of wildlife, including leopards and sharks, and the game's artificial intelligence (AI) allows the wild animals to interact with each other and simulate a realistic ecosystem. By hunting various animals and harvesting their corpses, players gain materials needed to craft new items such as weapon holsters and ammo holsters. Players can collect green plants to craft syringes that heal Jason when his health is depleted during combat scenarios or provide additional gameplay benefits. Players can climb the various radio towers and take out their scramblers. Clearing them opens up areas of the map, highlighting different points of interest, and players unlock a new weapon and gain access to a supply side mission, a timed task where players need to deliver medicine as quickly as possible. possible from one place to another. While the pirates control the island, players can infiltrate and liberate numerous enemy bases. Once the base is recaptured, it becomes a rebel base, unlocking additional side missions for players. It will also become a place where players can fast travel and trade with vendors. A patch was later released that allowed players to reset bases. While exploring the game world, unscripted events may occur, such as Jason being attacked by wild animals or pirate patrols. Players can complete Trials of the Rakyat missions, which are timed combat challenges; engage in various mini-games including poker, knife throwing and shooting challenges; and collect various collectibles such as relics, letters and memory cards.

Far Cry 3 System Requirements
.OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
.Bit: 32&64
.CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo
.Graphics Card: 512MB
.Free Space: 15GB

Ubisoft Montreal served as the game's lead developer and was responsible for creating the single-player game. It was a global production involving several Ubisoft studios: Massive Entertainment created the multiplayer portion of the game, Ubisoft Shanghai designed the missions and created the wildlife AI, Ubisoft Bucharest provided quality assurance, Ubisoft Reflections assisted Montreal with vehicle design, and Red Storm Entertainment was responsible for creating the PC version and user interface of the game. West Studio created early concept art for the game. The pre-production of the game started in 2008 and more than 90 people worked on the game.

DOWNLOAD LINK:- CLICK HERE To Download Full Game Far Cry 3



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